When Ilene from The Colorful Kitchen reached out to me for family photos, I jumped at the opportunity. She runs a successful Vegan cooking blog (check out her beautiful recipes here! https://thecolorfulkitchen.com .) This upcoming book will be her second and she wanted some updated photos of her family cooking in the kitchen. She is currently my hero as she wrote a cookbook right after having a newborn! #goals. I can’t even write thank you notes for my kids’ birthdays and we know I have trouble keeping up with this blog.
Kitchen family sessions are so so much fun. If you think about it, the kitchen is where people are the most comfortable. If you have ever had a party, you know that all the guests crowd in the kitchen rather than the dining or living room and it’s really where you spend the most time. It lends nicely to documenting natural family images as you have something to do and are not awkwardly looking at the camera!
For this session, we were decorating Vegan blueberry cupcakes to celebrate her eldest daughter completing her potty training! you guys this little one was seriously the cutest with her curly red hair and her love of her mommy’s icing. She kept sneaking some even though she was told not to. LOL. If you are thinking of booking a family session with me, and your kids are not following the rules or are acting naughty, I will absolutely be documenting that :) It’s seriously too cute not to.
Also did I mention the adorable new baby!! what a cutie. I’m shocked that Ilene was even able to make cupcakes with a three month old baby. After my 2nd son was born, it took me about 6 months to stop relying on take out and frozen foods from Trader Joe’s….. That orange chicken, though.
look at those adorable baby toes in the below pictures!